
Diet vs Exercise: What is Important for Weight Loss?

Posted: 23 May, 2022 Contributor: Rashi Chaudhary

If you’re planning to hit the gym anytime soon for starting your weight loss journey or you’re already into it, one tricky question must have come to your mind. You know what it is!

What is more important Diet or Exercise?

While both of them are important to shed the extra kilos and get into your desired shape, diet plays the most important role to get your dream figure. And, we are not assuming it, it is a fact.

For years, most of the people who are on a weight loss journey, stay stuck in this never-ending dilemma of diet v/s exercise. As a result, they fail to get into their desired shape despite putting much effort or taking a long period to achieve the desired results. So, if you are going through it too like many of us, luckily, you have arrived at the right place.

Today, we are going to discuss in detail the areas in which the right nutrition plays a crucial role in your weight loss journey. Let’s get started!

Calorie Intake

Exercise alone can’t help you to get a toned body if you’re not keeping a check on daily portion sizes. Portion control is a great technique that means choosing a healthy amount of a certain healthy food to avoid overeating. A general rule of thumb to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than your body burns to get in shape. Just by reducing the portion sizes, you can improve weight loss to a great extent.

Give a Boost of Energy

It’s safe to say that the food you eat before and after a workout can not only maintain the energy level but also maximise the result of training and your performance at the Gym. Just stay away from sugary and processed food because they might give an instant boost of energy but will soon make you feel more tired and sluggish.

Try to include the following energy-boosting food to keep going all day long with a better mood and energy level, of course!

  • Water
  • Natural Yogurt
  • Dry fruits
  • Chia Seeds
  • Seasonal Fruits
  • Chemical-free juices
  • Oats
  • Green veggies like spinach and  kale

Improve Stamina

Having high stamina helps you to give the best performance at the Gym, pushes you to do your best, and also do day-to-day tasks with optimal energy levels. The good news is that you don’t need to depend on supplements to give a healthy boost to stamina. Fueling your body with good carbs, protein, fiber, and healthy fats is enough to serve the purpose.

Decrease Stress-level

Stress has a direct impact on weight gain. Additionally, it may affect your eating and workout as well. Sure exercise helps to improve mental health and lower stress levels. However, the easiest way out there to stay mentally healthy is to eat stress-busting foods. A healthy diet enriched with fresh and seasonal veggies, fruits, or healthy fats is linked with improvising mood levels. You tend to feel good when you eat well.

This doesn’t mean you need to incorporate some fancy food, simple and healthy food like nuts, spinach, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits, etc. are some of the many great sources that offset stress and manage right weight effectively.

Strength Training

Strength training is very helpful to lose weight. In fact, it increases your metabolism to help you burn more calories than doing solely aerobics or any other cardio exercise. And for this reason, nutrition is crucial. Foods that provide protein should be an essential part of daily diet to build new muscle tissue after a vigorous workout session. If you have been putting time into the gym make sure you’re also eating a protein-rich diet otherwise you will not look or feel strong. It also enhances the muscle recovery process.

Which Diet To Follow For Weight-loss?

This is to bring into notice that you don’t need to follow any fad diets like Keto, Paleo, or Intermittent to get the results. They are sold out to bring short-term fitness goals, but they can be dangerous and put your health at risk. So the best approach whether you’re trying to lose weight or just want to live healthy is to eat homemade meals. Nothing can replace the nutrition that homely meals provide to keep us in shape. You can also go for a healthy tiffin service like OMKITCHEN for a daily dose of home-style organic lip-smacking meals

Final Thoughts

While exercise and diet both are vital and you can’t get the results in absence of any of the two, diet is something you need to take care of for losing weight fast and effectively. You can’t eat anything and expect to burn those calories the next day, it will only burn a portion of calories. For those who want to lose weight, control your diet. But, this doesn’t mean giving up exercising, keep working out everyday to stay fit and healthy.

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