
The Advantages Of Organic Farming For The Environment

Posted: 16 Aug, 2019 Contributor: Rashi Chaudhary

Many of you eat organic food because it’s mouth-watering and delightfully tasty . Some of you might eat because your strict diet plans demand it, or to avoid any chemical in your food. “I would like to see people more aware of where their food comes from. I would like to see small farmers empowered”- Anthony Bourdain. A famous author, television personality and chef, Anthony Bourdain got it right. Have you ever wondered where your food comes from and how it got there? There are various advantages of organic farmed food over conventional food. Organic food has no chemicals or fertilizers, which not only maintains your health, but also protects the environment from harsh chemicals that other farming methods use. They are not tasteful always. Have different taste than the fruit and vegetables filled in the market.

Organic Farming vs. Conventional Farming

There are various benefits of organic farming over its alternatives. For instance, take a look at some of the adverse effects of conventional farming that organic farming skips over: Greenhouse gases like methane, ozone and carbon dioxide are released in the atmosphere, which badly affects the environment Insecticides and pesticides are used excessively, which leads to climate change Artificial sweeteners, preservatives, colors and flavors that are added to enhance the taste of food also destroy its nutrient value
organic food
Image Source: Unsplash
Organic farming, on the other hand, relies on natural methods of farming to produce healthy food. It uses animal waste, aquatic waste and farm waste to enrich the soil, and relies on organisms like big-eyed bugs and minute pirate bugs to kill pests that harm crops. Organic agriculture provides management practices that can help farmers adapt to climate change through diversifying crop & livestock production and building farmer’s knowledge base to prevent changes in climate. – Excerpt from Organic Agriculture and Climate Change (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Organic farming is a traditional farming method that’s been used since ancient times to raise crops while maintaining the health of the soil and the environment to produce healthy food.
Organic farming methods
Image Source: Freepik

Organic farming methods depend on natural ways of farming that safeguard the environment. For example:

  • Animal waste is used to increase the health of the soil as well as to provide nutrients that enhance its quality
  • For weed management, there are various techniques similar to conventional farming that rely more on non-chemical methods for controlling unwanted weeds
  • Insects like big-eyed bugs, minute pirate bugs, and sometimes ladybugs are used to kill a wide range of pests
  • Crop rotation and nutrient management are some of the practices used to protect crops and soil
Organic agriculture provides management practices that can help farmers best prevent and confront changes in climate claimed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Organic Farming increases the quality of the soil, which leads to better production of crops. Additionally, it also helps store carbon in the soil, which means less carbon in the atmosphere.

So, What’s the Main Problem?

Although more than 30% of the world’s organic producers are in India, most of these are struggling because of poor policy measures, rising input costs, and limited markets. According to a study of the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), even after organic produce reaches the markets, consumers still find them expensive and discouraging. They further explain that Rs 1,000 – Rs 1,500 are the average additional expenses for consumers who switch to healthy organic food. Apart from this, less awareness of the advantages of organic farming comprise the primary factor causing a hindrance in the growth of organic food in India.

For the Sake of the Animals!

Image Source: by Genista from Flickr
If you’re an animal lover, you should know the harmful effects toxic pesticides have on these innocent creatures:
  • Pesticides causes sexual abnormalities in frogs
  • They cause memory loss, navigation disruption, paralysis and death in Bees
  • They also impair breeding success in birds, and lead to physical malformations
  • And even disrupt the nervous system, respiratory system, and digestive system of cats and dogs
Just by switching to healthy organic food, or by encouraging organic farming, you can begin saving lives.
Image Source: lifeforstock from Freepik
Organic farming conserves our biodiversity because no chemicals or fertilizers are used in its management. Organic farming preserves the right of every species to perform its role in the environment. Apart from this, the advantages of organic farming are enormous. It protects the environment from degradation and provides healthy, non-chemical food items with no added colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. And for those into fitness, authentic organic food is a delight for them to get fit and stay that way.

Be Responsible for the Future

People should realize the need to protect our planet as early as possible. With the rapid increase in temperature due to global warming, it just doesn’t make sense to continue things as they are with conventional farming. Just imagine what it would be if we turn things around! There needs to be a shift in the community from the consumption of regular conventional food to organic food that not only protects oneself, but also the environment.

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