
6 Healthy Holi Snacks to Celebrate a Guilt-free Holi

Posted: 19 Mar, 2021 Contributor: Rashi Chaudhary

Holi is near and we can’t wait to indulge in the delicious Holi delicacies that are specially prepared for this occasion. Holi is not about just playing with colours but also about mouth-watering snacks and sweets that are hard to miss. Undoubtedly it is a great delight for the foodies but at the same time, these unhealthy treats can wreak havoc on our fitness regime and load us with extra calories.

So, is there any way through which we can enjoy scrumptious Holi treats without worrying about putting on weight? Surprisingly, there is!

Through this blog, I will take you on a short ride to discover some of the many healthier versions of Holi treats that you can consume guilt freely. Keep scrolling to lit up your Holi celebrations with these healthy food options.

1. Naturally Sweet Thandai


What’s a Holi celebration without some chilled and refreshing Thandai? This traditional Holi drink is a powerful booster of energy, mood, and filled up with some other health benefits. However, getting high on this sugary drink can make a serious dent in your fitness regime. But, the good news is- there is an alternative through which you can enjoy this popular Holi drink without affecting your health goals. Just use organic or toned milk, add whole loads of nuts, and use natural sugar alternatives like jaggery, honey or, coconut sugar and you are good to go! Simple, isn’t it?

2. Tikki With healthy Stuffing


Spicy, tasty, and tangy, Tikki is the most beloved Holi snack for a reason. Crispy on the outside and stuffed with potatoes, it is a popular mouthwatering Holi snack. As we all know that potatoes lead to weight gain, therefore, Aloo Tikki is a Big No. So, to add a healthy twist, use stiffing of paneer, cabbage, carrot, or beetroot, roll it with oats, and shallow fry it to make Tikki that is low in calories but high on taste.

3. Idli With Oats


Oats idli surely makes an ideal Holi breakfast that is super easy and quick to make. Low in fat content and enriched with potassium, protein, and fibre, it is a great idea to start a Holi celebration with some delicious oats idli. Fill the idlis with different veggies to enhance the taste and health quotient. Serve it with healthy home-made green chutney to take the dish to the next level. Bet you won’t feel the urge to binge anytime soon after this nutritious breakfast.

4. Kheer Rice With a Fruity Twist

The desi dipped ghee Gujiyas are highly consumed by all during the festival of colours. Loaded with high sugar content, it is one of the unhealthy and deep fried snacks. But, since we just can’t avoid eating sweet treats on Holi celebrations, I have found a perfect alternative to savor your sweet cravings and celebrate festivals to the fullest-. Here I am talking about “Fruity Rice Kheer”. All it takes is an added punch of fruits like apples, pineapple, grapes, nuts, and dates or honey to make it naturally sweet, tasty yet healthy.

5. Roasted Nuts

This little sweet and spicy snack is perfect for Holi snacking. They barely take a few minutes to get ready and are definitely one of the tastiest ways to spice up your Holi party without making much effort. Drizzle a small amount of olive oil and toast the nuts well until it turns golden. You can season it with honey, cinnamon, chili flakes, and a pinch of salt for a great taste. Let me know in the post comment section what combinations you like the most.

6. Dhokla

Dhokla is an ideal snack or appetizer to jazz up your Holi party. It is super easy to prepare soft, spongy, fluffy, healthy and can be eaten anytime of the day. It tastes wonderful when served with fresh mint chutney aka green chutney. If you are not into cooking, you can order fresh and spongy savory from OMKITCHEN, which uses high-quality ingredients to make its lip-smacking organic meals

Final Thoughts

It’s the time to ditch the sugary treats and hop on the amazingly healthier ones with the same punch of flavour. Holi is incomplete without some tasty and healthy food, you just need to make smart decisions to maintain the sweetness of this colourful festival without compromising on your fitness goals. It is definitely possible to maintain a healthy diet without giving up on tasty snacks. So, replace unhealthy snacks and calorie-laden food with some chemical-free and nutritious food options to make this amazing festival both fun and healthy without resting your diet plans!

And, don’t forget to celebrate a safe and healthy Holi in the times of coronavirus.

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