
Popular Food Trends That Are Ruling Due To COVID-19

Posted: 1 Jun, 2021 Contributor: Rashi Chaudhary

The outbreak of Coronavirus pandemic has completely transformed our lives from how we live, eat, drink, shop, work, and meet our loved ones. In order to adapt to the new normal, food and beverage industry has undergone the biggest changes since the beginning of the pandemic.

Consumers buying behavior has also been strongly influenced during the ongoing pandemic. Now, they have become more health conscious so that they stay protected against any viral disease and strengthen their gut health, which plays an essential role in fighting off any germs or disease and gives protection.

In this post, we will be discussing some of these many popular food trends that are shaped by the global health crisis. Let’s get started!

Food & Drinks for Immune System

Keeping the immune system strong is now more important than ever. The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has made everyone realize the importance of consuming immunity-boosting food & drinks in order to stay protected from this deadly virus or any other illness.

As a result, people are trying out multiple immunity-boosting foods and drink to stronger gut health and reap many other benefits associated with it. Restaurants are also experimenting and introducing tasty yet healthy immunity boosting food & drink options to attract more customers. OMJOOS is offering cold-pressed juices made with fresh and high-quality ingredients in Delhi and NCR and have received a huge spike in the number of orders during the COVID.

Technology Revamp

Innovation and creativity is necessary for any crisis to cope with the situation and make it a little better. Fortunately, technology has been proved effective during the ongoing pandemic as well.

Digital menus, online payment mode, scanning a bar code to pay the food bill at restaurants or viewing their menu digitally, offering takeaways, etc. are a few of the many contactless order, payment, and pickup process that are adopted by the café, restaurants, and food service companies, and accelerated by the pandemic. Even after the situation gets back to normal, they are likely to stick around.

Organic Food

As people are becoming health conscious, they are inclined towards eating fresh, simple, and chemical-free food. Nowadays, younger generations are educating themselves about healthy eating which results in the growing demand for an organic and plant-based diet.

Those who are staying away from home or unable to cook are relying on healthy tiffin services to fulfill their regular nutritious meal requirements. Restaurants and café are also making variations in their menu by bringing a few vegan food options.

Eating Local Food

Small food businesses have been hit hard during the pandemic. Due to the nationwide lockdown, small food shops/café are again left with only takeaways and home delivery, which is also not every outlet can afford as it requires human force.

Luckily, to support the local economy, people came forward and shifted to shopping, eating, and buying local. You must have seen people promoting local food brands on their social media platforms to raise awareness. This has helped the local food businesses to survive the trying times and make the community better. As we are still under lockdown due to the havoc caused by the second wave of the pandemic, we still need to lend our support to grow the market of local food.

Maintaining Safety & Hygiene

Both consumers and food manufactures are more careful after the pandemic to maintain food safety and hygiene. They are adhering to all food safety guidance while storing, preparing, delivering, and consuming food and drinks. If you have visited any restaurant in the recent past, I am sure you must have seen staff sanitizing tables every few hours, placement of tables ensuring social distancing, availability of hand sanitizers, disposable and packed cutlery etc.

At a personal level, people are washing hands often, using disinfectants while receiving food orders, or after coming back from grocery shopping to stay safe from the risk of contracting the virus. All of these measures are widely accepted and vigorously started due to health concerns and should be continued in the future as well.

Homemade Food

Homemade food has always been fresh, tastier, and the healthiest food available. Sadly, we didn’t realize its importance until the pandemic hit across the nation. As the need to eat a nutritious healthy diet becomes extremely crucial to sustain overall health, it resulted in a surge in the demand for homemade food.

Due to its health quotient, people are also opting for OMKITCHEN tiffin service, serving fresh and lip-smacking organic meals to cater to the needs of the people especially the ones affected by COVID-19, because they need a nutritious diet to speed up the recovery process. Surprisingly those people who are not into cooking or can’t cook have also become aspiring chefs in this global crisis.   

The beginning of vaccination drives across the nation indicates that there might be a possibility that people return to their poor eating and buying habits once COVID is no longer a threat. However, we would suggest you get a hold of this dramatic transformation in the food and beverages scene as they are benefitting our health and keep us fit and disease-free in the long run.

Final Thoughts

It has already been a year and more of innovation in food manufacture, food service companies, and restaurants. Every trend that I have shared above has brought a good change in society in new and unexpected ways. Now, as we are going through the second wave of the pandemic, it seems like these changes are here to stay and won’t disappear anytime sooner. We may be surrounded by one of the worst crisis out there, but thankfully these changes have something positive that is making our community healthier & happier.

So, which trend are you enjoying the most? Drop your thoughts below. We would love to hear from you!

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