
Sattvic Diet: 6 Best Sattvic Foods to Add in Your Regular Diet

Posted: 7 Apr, 2022 Contributor: Rashi Chaudhary

Fitness has been the talk of the town more than ever since the outbreak of the deadly Coronavirus. It is good to see that people are becoming health conscious and following a healthy diet like never before in order to keep themselves fit and build a stronger immune system to effectively fight off any infection or virus.

We all know that fad diets are very popular, especially in the fitness world. People tend to follow such diets in order to reach their fitness goals in a short span of time, keeping aside the harmful side-effects associated with it. However, in the present scenario the health freaks don’t want to invest in promising fat loss supplements or fad diets rather they are turned towards the traditional diets to maintain their outer as well as inner well-being. And, that’s when “Sattvic Diet” comes into the scene.

I am sure you have heard of this popular term here or there, but if you’re not sure what it actually is and the incredible benefits associated with it. Let’s take this short ride to know all about the Sattvic diet and the best Sattvik foods that you should be eating.

Keep reading!

What is a Sattvic Diet?

Sattvic, as the name suggests means purity, health, balanced mind, and well-being. It is excellent to maintain the well-being of the body and mind because it is made up of fresh ingredients and 100% pure. This diet is based on Ayurvedic principles and is focused on food that is low in calories, spices, and high in nutritional value.

Sattvic food is natural, pure, and an energy booster. For this reason, a person following this wholesome diet tends to be calmer, happier, and have a positive mindset which is crucial to stay mentally healthy. The food which is processed, refined, deep-fried, or kept for long is not considered Sattvic. Caffeinated drinks, alcohol, sugar drinks, and non-veg food also don’t fall under this pure diet.

Before diving in, let me introduce you to some amazing benefits of a Sattvic diet:

  • Stronger the immune system
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Promotes better digestion
  • It rejuvenates the body and flushes out harmful toxins
  • It helps to bring mental clarity
  • It doesn’t give the feeling of lethargy that you usually get after eating
  • It doesn’t feel heavy
  • It gives a boost of energy

This natural form of diet is always appraised by the Yogis across the world, and now the fitness world is slowly going back to it too. Here are the best Sattvic foods that you should incorporate in your regular diet to get the maximum benefits all at once.

Fresh Seasonal Fruits

Navratri is the time when most of us follow the Sattvic diet for a term of 9 days. During this auspicious period, people eat fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables because they are naturally low in fat and high in water thus considered an important part of the Sattvic diet. Whether you’re fasting or not fresh organic fruits should be consumed everyday. You can also drink fresh juices either homemade or from a brand like OMJOOS serving refreshing cold-pressed juices made that are 100% pure and free from any artificial preservatives and are safe to drink while following the diet.

Following are some of the top-picks:

  • Apples
  • Mangoes
  • Bananas
  • Papayas
  • Cherries
  • Melons
  • Guavas
  • Grapes


We all crave for sweet food and there is nothing wrong with that. So, if you are following a Sattvic, you don’t need to worry about satisfying your sweet tooth because luckily honey, one of the best natural sweeteners is considered among the top Saatvik food. Nevertheless, this is to give importance that the commercially bought honey infused with refined sugar is not the right choice. If you have access to pure and organic honey, consider buying only then.

Else maple syrup, sugarcane juice, jaggery, dates, figs, and fruits are also safe to eat to satisfy sweet cravings the Sattvic way.

Vegetables with Moderate Spices

We all know the amazing benefits of eating greens and the good part is that they are part of Sattvic diet too. Eating fresh seasonal green vegetables cooked with moderate spices and finest quality of ingredients falls under this Ayurvedic diet. Potatoes, carrots, and green beans are also other great options to have. Just avoid cooking with garlic, mushroom, chillies or onion because that breaks the principle of what a Sattvic diet is. You can also sip on pure vegetable juices to fulfil the intake in a fun way.

Desi Ghee

Used in day to day cooking, Ghee should make a part of your Sattvic diet. It has made to our list of best Sattvic foods because of its vitality and purity. The antioxidants present in desi ghee help to keep the body healthy inside out. However, we would advise you to use freshly churned desi ghee at home. Being the healthiest fat available, ensure you consume it in moderation because excess consumption of desi ghee can lead to many ill effects. Moderation is the key, always remember that.

Sprouted Whole Grains

Packed in with a lot of nutrition, whole grains make an important of the Sattvic lifestyle. Whole-grain wheat, barley, rice, millet, quinoa and oats are some of the many grains that can be added to any meal of the day. They are high in fibre thus keep the sudden hunger pangs away, cleanses the body, boost immunity, and helps in weight-loss too.

Nuts and Seeds

These little wonders are your best go-to food for following a Sattvic lifestyle. You can consume them freshly as snacks or infuse them with some recipe to make a tasty protein-rich dish. Don’t over roast them as it will minimize their Sattvic properties. It is also recommended to soak them with water for their fast digestion. Almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, and pine nuts are some of the good choices that are acceptable in this diet.

Final thoughts

We always hear about the varied fad diets benefiting physical health, but do they give the inner peace that the Sattvic diet does? When they say “Old is gold”, no wonder why this natural diet is taking the nation by storm, especially in the diet world. They are light, fresh, nutritious, and healthy. It is the easiest way to reboot your system and achieve a peaceful feeling. So, start including the Sattvic foods listed above and many more in your diet to see incredible changes in your mind, body, or soul, and eliminate the over sour, salty, spicy, and leftovers.

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