
Is Season Change Getting On Your Nerves? We Have Some Tips for You

Posted: 8 Nov, 2019 Contributor: Shraddha Thakur

Image Source:Pexels

One minute sunny, then windy and rainy- changing weather can be quite tricky to handle. India is a country of seven seasons, experiencing weather shifts every three to four months in most areas. Days and nights are changing even in terms of their duration.

Based on the area you live at and basic health conditions, these weather changes may differ, but cures can be quite similar. If you have a cold, flu or suffer from any other illness that weather has brought us, you can easily get yourself out of it. What to do, where to start, and how proceed with it? We got you covered. Let’s go through the best tips that you should know about.  

Why do we get sick? 

Can changing weather cause your illness? The answer is, yes it can. Why and how? Science can easily explain it. Whether it is spring melting into hot summer of fall turning into chilly winters, both can get on your nerves. 

First of all, if you have a weak immune system, then you are more vulnerable and can be trapped into the ‘I’m unwell phase’ quite easily. When shifting from spring to summer, presence of pollens in the air can be the reason for many of your allergies. Whereas, sneezing and a blocked nose can be caused by a dusty environment during changes from fall to winter. 

Coming back to our immune system, if you think that you are a person with low tolerance to weather effects, then your immune system could be a major reason for it.

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How to manage weather changes?

Any kind of weather effect can be handled easily, if correct steps to prevent it are taken. Many of us know how to cure those negative influences, but wouldn’t it be better to know how to prevent the symptoms? Some small changes in your lifestyle and you are good to go! Below we’re covering the ultimate rules that will help you manage it well.

Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated and drinking water is always necessary, no matter what  season we’re in. However, when the climate is going through weather changes, it becomes compulsory more than ever. In fact, you can adjust to temperature changes much easier when you are hydrated. Being hydrated also means cutting down your caffeine intake, as it can turn your efforts upside down and leave you dehydrated. Aim for other refreshing both hot and cold beverages. 

Reach for cold-pressed juices, especially those rich in Vitamin-C, perfect for the winter season. 

Ginger, honey and lemon tea could be a great companion for something like this. It is hydrating, immunity-boosting and will prevent catching unwanted diseases. 

Exercise regularly

Physical activity is a great dose of health for your body all year round. By keeping active you can certainly avoid negative effects of weather changes, so add it to your list. Staying inside all the time will not protect you from these effects. Even small activity, such as a 30-minute walk or a quick morning workout outside, can boost your body’s efficiency and let you go through every season easily. When staying in, try practicing yoga. It will keep your body in shape and speed up your metabolism, giving you that ultimate protection from a weather change. 

Have a good night sleep

In order for our body to function at its best, it needs a satisfactory amount of rest and time to recover from a busy day of work. When you’re asleep, it is the time when your hormones get reloaded and your brain rests for a longer time. Take a break, have a good 8-hour sleep and you will find that your immune system actually lets you enjoy these changing seasons. 

Know what to wear

Remember how our mothers used to always take care of what we wear during seasonal changes? They were not wrong, as this is quite an important factor. As the weather shifts, you will have to start depending on the number of layers and the material of all clothes you wear and carry, especially in winter when we need to keep ourselves warm. If you feel that you may need to loosen up a little, carry some light jackets or blazers instead of jumpers and hoodies.

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Eat seasonally

As we change what we wear, it is also necessary to know when we should modify our diet and look out for what we eat. Seasonal eating is the most advised diet that can reduce possible health problems due to a shifting weather. With all of the technology advancements and agricultural practices, we are able to eat our favorite fruits and vegetables all year long. Unfortunately, following this is definitely nor healthy or beneficial. Make sure you know what products are grown in your region during the specific season, and follow the seasonal diet.

The differences between cold and allergies

Many people complain about getting ill throughout the whole season. They suffer from cold symptoms, such as running nose, sneezing and cough, which could also be a sign of seasonal allergies. Follow the above lifestyle tips, eat properly, get enough sleep and exercise a little, then you will find you will be more relieved than ever. In some cases, however, make sure you visit your doctor.

Take care of your skin

Now that we’ve covered useful tips and improvements that start in our head, we cannot forget about taking care of your body externally, which means your skin. Seasonal changes can affect our skin and leave it dry and weak, as it loses its natural moisture. Try protecting it by making sure you’re getting enough water, eat food foods that can keep you hydrated and apply natural moisturizers to avoid side effects.

Image Source:unsplash


All season changes are a beautiful thing. We are more likely to get bored if the weather was not changing all year long. Sometimes we may find it hard to cope with unpleasant weather conditions, but if you follow some of the advice we have given, you will be good to go. Remember to eat seasonal fruits, take the most out of seasonal recipes, go out, enjoy the nature and all change it carries.

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