Kids are curious about the food that they eat. Why do I have to eat greens? Why do I have to avoid candies? Why do I have to drink plenty of water? These are some of the many questions that kids usually bombard us with. I am pretty sure all the parents would relate to that.
Teaching kids about Nutrition is the best thing you can do as a parent to support their growth mentally and physically. Infact, it is by far the most effective way that helps kids to make healthy life decisions on their own as they grow older. Not only nutrition education will teach them about healthy eating but it will also protect their body from any illness in which obesity remains at the top.
If your little one has just started showing curiosity about the food they eat, it is the right time to introduce them to the concept of nutrition, in a fun way obviously otherwise it will get infuriating for you as well as the child.
Given below are seven of the best, easiest, and most effective fun ways to make your kiddos acknowledge healthy eating from an early age. Let’s find them one by one below:
1. Increase Their Involvement

Get your child involved in the process of picking up the ingredients. Not only it will excite them but it will also make them eat a particular food that they don’t like to each otherwise, obviously because they chose it in the first place. If the child is older, you can also share detailed information like the associated benefits of eating that particular food. Let them know how it helps to keep them healthy so that they strongly fight off any infections or diseases. So, now when they get sick, it will not be a problem anymore to feed them the immunity-boosting food.
2. Give Food Choices

This effective tip can literally trick your child’s mind and he/she will eventually end up choosing the one out of two healthier ones. This allows them to feel heard, valued, and feel part of the decision making too. As children grow up, their demand increases with everything. When they are provided food choices, it is more likely for them to choose the one and have less demand for less healthy options. Take one step further and add healthy and tasty side dishes with your daily meals to take the experience of whole meal to the next level.
3. Allow Them To Plan Meal

When the children get older and become slightly Independent, they like to plan their meals. Let your child decide the meals. It’s likely that they will add one or two unhealthy options. Use this opportunity to explain to them the nutritional value linked with less healthy food items. Replace the unhealthier ones with the healthier substitutes so that they can enjoy the food without compromising their health. Don’t make it sound like a lecture rather make it conversational.
4. Leverage the Technology

Technology is bliss and no one can deny this fact. There are tons of apps specifically designed for young minds to teach them the importance of eating nutritious food in easy and entertaining ways. There are apps with different formats designed for different age gaps. These apps teach healthy eating habits to kids in visual ways which they will surely enjoy. Most of them are free so you don’t need to spend any valuable penny.
5. Eat Together

Make a fixed time to enjoy a meal together as a family. This is a great opportunity to teach healthy habits to the children and also stronger their bond with each other. Eating together and discuss the taste of food, its nutritional value, and the many benefits associated with it helps to encourage children to establish clean eating and also fully enjoy it.
Related Article: Nutrition for Kids: How to Make Sure that Our Kids Eat Healthily
6. Offer Healthy Snacks

While teaching about breakfast, lunch or dinner, there are chances that you might forget the importance of “Snacking”. Healthy snacking goes a long way. It helps to curb the sudden hunger pangs and keep full for a longer period which keeps the weight in check. So, help your kids make better choices when it comes to snacking too. Encourage them to consume fresh juices, fruits, salads, oats, yoghurt, natural fruit popsicles, dry fruits, etc. that have a high nutritional quotient and dietary fiber.
7. Explain About Portion Size

Lastly, how much food we eat should also be on your list while teaching children about nutrition. Excess to everything is bad for the health and the kids should know it from an early age. Help kids to find the right serving size. Learning about portion sizes will help them to know how much processed food they can afford once in a while when you’re not around them.
Final Thoughts
With these amazing fun tips highlighted above, teaching kids about nutrition will no longer be a struggle for you. These entertaining tips are highly helpful for the fussy eaters of the house. Being involved in the whole process from an early age will also help them to avoid meltdowns and indulge in healthy eating. Once they start appreciating the healthy homemade meals there’s no looking back!