
Breaking the 5 All Time Myths Related To Organic Food

Posted: 23 Oct, 2019 Contributor: Shraddha Thakur

Image Source:Pixabay

Organic food has been a recent trend for all health enthusiasts and individuals who care about health of their family. With every trend comes a series of questions in the mind of potential consumers, and it seems like you could be one of them, even though you might have searched for answers to all queries related to organic food and its benefits. A fair amount of responses can be misleading, while some information is just not enough for you. In this article we discuss widely known misconceptions related to organic food, exposing the myths and introducing you to the facts.

Myth 1- Organic food is not nutritious

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One of the most common questions of all time. Organic food is richer in nutrition when compared with conventional produce, which has been supported by many investigations carried out to date. Organically-grown vegetables are a great source of iron, magnesium, Vitamin-C and other nutrients. Chemicals on the other hand, are proven to suppress the nutrients in your food, and the soil that is constantly treated with several chemical eventually loses its nutritional value. However, organically grown produce is less exposed to any kind of synthetic enhancers, that is why it is so rich in nutrients every time. We can certainly agree that organic food is much more nutrition-dense than regular conventional products.  

Myth 2- Organic food doesn’t taste better

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We all love healthy food that looks and tastes good. Many of us have tried a variety of fancy meals and diet plans that are advertised as “delicious and nutritious”. They may or may not work for us, however, choosing organic produce over conventional food is one of the easiest ways to lead a healthy lifestyle. In fact, organically-grown vegetables are free from any kind of artificial flavors and they preserve their natural flavor. When compared with non-organic food, its organic alternative will definitely taste better. They are grown slower, thus retain the water contents in them, contributing to the fuller and tastier experience. Any person who has been following the organic diet for a long time can tell the difference in taste easily.

Myth 3- Pesticides are not that harmful to us

Pesticides on Corp
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Pesticides are not just bad, but incredibly harmful for our body. As you don’t necessarily want to have pesticides served on your dinner table, improve your agricultural practices and get an understanding of where the food is sourced from. In fact, chemicals used in the process can have a long-lasting effect. It is a myth that farmers use a regulated amount of pesticides in their crops. The regulated value to be used in agriculture is much lower than the one practiced in most areas. In addition, the agricultural poison can be fatal not only for pests and weeds, but also for each one of us, if consumed persistently. Such chemicals also play a vital role in decreasing the quality of soil with time. In organic farming, animal-based manure is used in place of any chemical fertilizer, which makes it toxin-free and safer for consumption. 

Myth 4- Organic food is just a hyped trend

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Many people believe that the trend of organic food is just a marketing hype, being not any better than regular conventional food. People who tend to follow it, are the people who are into trying all the upcoming trends on the market. Whereas, it has been a proven fact that organic food carries many significant benefits when added to your regular menu. It is not a mere trend, but a healthier and more sustainable way of living. 

Myth 5- Organic food is expensive 

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A lot of people avoid organic produce, even after discovering many benefits of it, all due to higher prices when compared with regular conventional products. There is no doubt that it may be a slightly bigger expense at the time of a purchase, but it is certainly worth the investment, especially when looking at all of the health benefits it carries. It protects you against toxins coming from conventional food and sets you for a longer and healthier life, also saving your money by cutting down medicine and health expenses.

To end this discussion on myths and truths related to organic food, let us ask you a simple question- Do you wish to continue consumption of products full of substances that where created to kill other organisms? As you now know, conventional food is full of such heavy pesticides and insecticides. If you think that the amount used is only dangerous for these small organisms, then you are wrong- these chemicals are equally harmful for people who consume such products. Keeping aside the taste, great source of nutrients and even the alleged trend, organic food is toxin-free and much safer to consume, which means you can eat your food any day without worrying about any negative impact it has on your body. 

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