
OMKITCHEN Embarks on an In-House Approach to Grow Organic Vegetables

Posted: 23 Sep, 2019 Contributor: Admin

Noida, September, 2019: With the desire to bring healthy food options that are free from adulteration and to improve the quality of the air in our ecosystem, OMKITCHEN has recently made a commitment to grow its own organic vegetables in its organic garden.

The rapid growth of injecting chemicals into the roots of trees has resulted in the consumption of fruits and vegetables to be harmful for the human body. These chemicals are being used to accelerate growth and increase the production of produce, which has proven to be dangerous for human health and the environment. Additionally, fruits and veggies are being treated with excessive chemicals throughout the production and storage process in order to make them look bigger, fresher, and more appealing overall, which actually causes adverse side-effects.

The adulteration of food to keep them in good condition for a longer period of time lowers their nutritional value and causes different health problems. Consumption of these highly contaminated food items is associated with many serious health problems like a breakdown of the nervous system, neurotoxic complications, and sterility.

To address this growing issue and to make the environment clean and healthy, OMKITCHEN has initiated a project to grow its own organic vegetables. This commitment to provide access to fresh, chemical-free, and healthy food was followed by a Tree plantation in Noida. OMKITCHEN planted over 150 trees to improve the ecosystem and support individuals who want to lead a chemical-free life. This drive is a step forward to achieve OMKITCHEN’s mission to “Go Green.” The plantation of trees leads to dual long-lasting benefits to OMKITCHEN: providing fresh and organic produce and improving air quality while making the environment greener.

OMKITCHEN currently grows organic Okra, Spinach, Brinjal, Sponge Gourd, Green Chili, and Coriander in its organic garden, which are used to prepare a variety of authentic organic meals. Upholding a mission of making a positive impact on the environment and human health, OMKITCHEN uses biodegradable or recyclable plates, jars, containers, and spoons to serve and deliver its chemical-free organic food. OMKITCHEN is always trying to encourage people to follow a healthy lifestyle and care for the environment. Bringing these healthy changes to the community is what OMKITCHEN stands for and what it values the most.

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